
When you choose to stay at one of the following hotels during Triennial 2024, you will receive a significantly discounted room rate. Booking your stay at these host hotels helps ensure other Triennial costs can be kept to a minimum.

Please note, hotel nights are not included in your registration fee and must be booked separately. 

Main Conference Hotel:


InterContinental (Riverfront)
11 E Kellogg Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55101
United States
(651) 292-1900
To book a room at the group rate, use the link below or call and ask to be connected to Central Reservations for IHG. Use group code BT1. The last day the group rate will be available for booking is June 14th, 2024.
If you want to stay an extra day on either end of Triennial, you can reach out to the sales office directly to extend your reservation.

Overflow Hotel:

Hampton Inn & Suites

Hampton Inn & Suites (Downtown)
200 7th St W
Saint Paul, MN 55102
United States
(651) 224-7400
To book a room at the group rate, use the link below or call and ask to make a reservation under the North American Baptist Conference Triennial. The last day the group rate will be available for booking is June 19th, 2024.
If you want to stay an extra day on either end of Triennial, you can reach out to the sales office directly to extend your reservation.