Blue Ocean + Year of Equipping

April 27 @ 6pm – April 29 @ 1pm

Blue Ocean is an entry point into the missional movement of the NAB, meeting three times a year.  In this 3rd Module, participants will focus on "Becoming a Missional People."

Year of Equipping is another three-part cohort, and participants will join with Blue Ocean for their 3rd Module.

Multipliers Summit

April 28 @ 3pm – April  30 @ 11am

At our annual Multipliers Summit, we seek to gather our Multipliers Community together to hear from a seasoned church planting leader on the topic of soul care.  We are convinced the trajectory of any church multiplication effort begins with who we are becoming.

Multipliers are also invited to stay an additional day and participate in Bonfire.


April 29 @ 6pm – May 1 @ 11am

Bonfire is a gathering of NAB leaders who have given themselves to joining God on mission in their various contexts. It is a time to build into deep community with one another, receive inspiration, and continue training together.

Those who attend Bonfire are also invited to arrive a day early to take part in Multipliers Summit as well.

Group Meetings

Missions Advisory Team

  • April 28 + 29, all day

Governing Board

  • May 2, all day